At the weekend our little charity turned 6 years old!
What a rollercoaster 6 years it’s been since we started making sure that help, advice, information and support is easily available to people living with disabilities.
In that time we’ve helped thousands of people and seen our charity grow, opening our Big Disability Hub and expanding the services we offer.
It’s not been easy and there are times that we barely make it through but here we are another year older and still helping as many people as we can. And for us that’s what it is all about - reducing the loneliness and isolation that can come with living with a disability, making information easily accessible, connecting and supporting people to improve their lives and to move forward when sometimes things can feel overwhelming or impossible.
Our work isn’t cute or fluffy most of the time but it is vital for the people that we help and makes lasting differences to people’s lives.
None of this would be possible without the support we have had from our volunteers over the years. We have been blessed with some amazing people who dedicate their time with us to making a real difference to others and for that we will always be eternally grateful. Some of these volunteers have gone on to become staff, some board members but all very much a massive part of our journey.
We would like to thank everyone who has supported The Big Disability Group over the past 6 years and we look forward to continuing to grow our little charity together.
Kevin and Dhyani
